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Share Client Files
Share Client Files

Share Client Files

Céline GOrendezvous avatar
Written by Céline GOrendezvous
Updated over a week ago

To grant access to other employees to either view or edit the client charts, follow these steps:

To give access to all of your files to a colleague:

1. Click on Charting

2. Select the Sharing tab

3. Click Yes on Share my client files with the colleagues of my choice

4. Choose the professional(s) with whom you want to share this client file. You can:

A. Allow him to see only the client file (eye icon)

B. Allow him to edit as well (pencil icon)

It is also possible to share a specific customer file. To do this, here are the steps:

1. Click on Charting in the left menu

2. Click on Charting in the top menu

3. Choose the desired client from the list of clients of the day to search for his file

4. In the client file header, click on the avatar icon with a +

5. Choose the professional(s) with whom you want to share this client file. You can:

A. Allow him to see only the client file (eye icon)

B. Allow him to edit as well (pencil icon)

6. Click Save

Warning: by enabling the sharing of your client charts, you take full responsibility for complying with the laws and code of ethics of your profession and/or professional order.

Note: If you modify a file, all changes are tracked and recorded at all times

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