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Create a class session
Marili GOrendezvous avatar
Written by Marili GOrendezvous
Updated over 6 months ago

In order to create a new session for your class follow these steps:

1. Click on the desired date and time slot in your schedule

2. Click Class (If you would like to create a session for one of your existing classes, select it from the drop down list)

3.Set a Number of spots, a Drop-In Price and the Duration. You can also specify a Location and Room if needed

4.Select Create New Session

5. You can then fill in a Session Name and fix a Session Price

6. Configure further options like Allow joining an ongoing session or Allow drop-ins

7. Click on Create

8. If you'd like to make this a repeating class then click Repeats and determine when you would like it to be repeated. Finally click save and you're good to go !

Please note that if you consistently configure your classes in the same way, you can directly create class session when configuring your services in your employee profile

Different useful scenarios :

Scenario A : Clients who need to book for the whole session

You want to offer swimming classes for which clients need to book for the whole session?

Scenario B: Clients can join an ongoing session

You’re a yoga instructor and want to allow your clients to join ongoing sessions even if they missed the first classes? You can encourage them to commit to the remaining classes of the session by offering them a lower price per class than the drop-in price. Click here to find out which steps to follow

Scenario C: Allow drop-ins

Your session has already started but your classes aren’t full? You can allow your clients to drop-in and ensure a fun-filled class!

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