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Generate the cancellation or follow-ups list
Generate the cancellation or follow-ups list

You can easily find all your cancellations or clients to follow-up with.

Patrick GOrendezvous avatar
Written by Patrick GOrendezvous
Updated over a week ago

Here is how:

1. On your schedule, click on the Printer logo

2. Click on Print Clients Follow-Ups

*A new page appears*


1. Click on Cancellations

2. Select the desired dates

3. Choose the cancellation's Reason (you can also choose not to pick any reason by clicking on Any Cancellation Reason)

4. Click on Search

5. Click on Print or Export, as you wish


1. Click on Follow-ups

2. Choose a time for the question "Find clients whose last appointment was more than"

3. Choose a time at question "Ignore clients whose last appointment was more than"

4. Click on Search*

5. You can choose to print, export or close the report window**

*The dates entered take into account the date on which the report is generated, i.e.: if you select 15 months for the question "Ignore clients who have not had an appointment since", then it will be 15 months. Last months from today's date.

**The result displayed on the screen does not represent that of the report. As there is a maximum of data that can be displayed on the screen (50), you will obtain a more exhaustive list by exporting everything as an Excel file.

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